5 July 2009
"Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me."
How many times have we each said that to ourselves trying hard to believe it to be true?
I know I have done so on many occassions. For the most part, it is true. But over the years I've repeatedly heard a four letter word that has recently been added to my list of inappropriate terms. It is a casual word whose meaning is general and underappreciated but often it used in a way to lessen the impact of what is really being stated.
The word: JUST
I have heard many volunteers at the adoption center or at an off-site event state in conversation when identifying themselves that they are JUST a volunteer. JUST a volunteer? Volunteers are more than just. They are stewards for animal welfare and a voice for those who cannot speak themselves. They offer of themselves tirelessly and with compassion and for compensation that is self-satisfaction and the appreciation of the animals. They support each other creating a dynamic of accomplishment and service for the animals.
I also often hear people while leaving what they consider to be a small donation say it is JUST a few dollars and all that can be spared. Every donation adds up and it is the donations of sacrifice that sometimes mean the most and inspire others to do even more.
Visitors will sometimes ask if we house JUST cats at the adoption center. And the implication is often intepretted as cats being inadequate or of a lesser value when compared to dogs. We find this to be tragic. Cats have individual personalities and characteristics that make them extraordinary companions. They are all to often underappreciated and misunderstood. Many people don't recognize the high level of intelligence cats contain and the amazing and awesome joy they can bring to a family. And speaking of 'just'...it is not okay to declaw; even JUST the front. It is still amputation and still a horrific and unnecessary procedure. There are many alternatives and if you require declaw, please adopt a cat that is previously declawed.